Physiology 1021 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Extracellular Fluid, Fluid Compartments, Feedback

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The study of normal functioning of a living organism and its component parts. Organs that are continuous with the external environment: respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive. Ability of the body to maintain a relatively constant internal environment. Dynamic, self-regulatory process involving all organs, tissues and cells of the body. Detects and responds to changes in its internal environment to keep it in an acceptable range. Explain a control system and how the two control system work: Control systems monitor certain markers: local control: When change happens, specialized cells sense and take action that affects the surrounded area where they are located. Characterized by a localized/restricted response: long-distance control: Measure the existing factor of some value and compare it to a selected set point value then employ the difference of these two values to initiate physiological changes that return the factor closer to the set point value.