Philosophy 1200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Bronchiole, Bohr Effect, Elastic Fiber

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What are the 7 major functions of the kidney: regulation of extracellular fluid volume and blood pressure, regulation of osmolarity, maintain ion balance, maintain ph, excretion of wastes, production of hormones, gluconeogenesis (making new glucose) Cortical nephron: has a short loop of henle and the capillary bed is more twisted. Juxtamedullary nephron: has a long loop of henle and the capillary bed runs parallel. What are the 3 barriers that filter out the blood in the glomerulus: pores, basal lamina, podocytes. The amount of fluid/solutes that are filtered per unit time into bowman"s space from the. Net filtration pressure = (pgc + bc) (pbc + gc) Excretion = filtration reabsorption + secretion. Net filtration pressure: influence by renal blood flow and blood pressure. Filtration coefficient: influenced by surface area of glomerular capillaries and permeability of barriers between capillary and bowman"s capsule. More water and salt is filtered through the tubule.