Media, Information and Technoculture 1020E Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Marshall Mcluhan, Homing Pigeon, Cyberwarfare

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Any material through which something else may be transmitted. Media of communication is the means by which messages may be transmitted. The broad meaning of the term has narrowed to focus on large scale technologically complex systems of communication. Mass" media were characterized by their one-to-many, centralized, top-down organization and standardized content. Today, with the growing importance of computers, cell phones and digital networks, the meaning of media is changing radically. New media" are interactive, with a proportion of content actually coming from media users, who are as much partners as clients of media content providers. One-to- many model of media has been superseded, allowing many- to- many" communication, including individual to individual: defining feature of social media". The cultural studies approach to media looks at media as texts. Examines the meanings of media content, asking how do media operate as systems of signs (language, images, sounds) to represent the world? .