Management and Organizational Studies 1021A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: European Credit Transfer And Accumulation System, Balanced Scorecard, Overlearning

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MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
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Lecture 4: training and appraising. Chapter 6: training and developing employees (pg. Focus: use of work experience, goal, participation. Job/organization r s: commitment, job satisfaction, difficulty in selection, reward. Lags in employees training could affect long- term productivity, performance, innovation and competitiveness. Instructional design: process of systematically developing and training to meet specified needs. Organization analysis: process for determining appropriateness of training by evaluating characteristics of organization. Whether training is appropriate and which employees need it. Readiness for training: combination of employee characteristics and positive work environment that permit training. Self- efficacy: sense of personal control and being able to master one"s environment. Factors that affect self- efficacy: performance in similar situations, observing others perform, verbal persuasion, emotional arousal. How to plan and design training program. Establish objectives decide on who"ll provide training, topics, method, evaluation, etc . Identify resources needed to carry out desired performance/outcome. Training methods include: audiovisual training, computer- based training, on- the- job training.