Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Settlor, Intestacy, The Only Exception

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7 Sep 2020

Document Summary

Firstly, there should be an understanding of what a proprietary right is. Estates in both freehold and leasehold are also a type of proprietary right. In order to qualify as an enforceable proprietary right, they must be granted in certain ways: Must be on the list within s1 lpa 1925. Must be registered in order to bind a purchaser. If someone holds an estate" they can essentially do what they like with their land/property; for example, they can build on it, destroy things on it and invite people onto it. There are two main types of estate, characterised by their duration: The amount of time the holder of the estate has those exclusive ownership rights for is not defined. Freeholds are often freeholds of inheritance or freeholds of life. Within this you may have freeholds of inheritance if they qualify under intestacy rules.