Kinesiology 2222A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Inferior Vena Cava, Pulmonary Valve, Heart Valve

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Anatomy Lecture 22 2015-12-01 8:18:00 PM
3 Circulatory Circuits:
Pulmonary Circuit
o Primary role of the heart
o Brings blood to the lungs from the heart
Pulmonary = lungs
o The blood becomes reoxygenated and then returns back to
the heart
o Primary responsibility of the right side of the heart pumps
the blood to the lungs and back to the heart
o The blood also drops off C02
o Pulmonary blood pressure is not as high as systemic it is
15 mmhg of mercury
Systemic Circuit
o Provides blood to the rest of the body, excluding the heart
and the lungs skeletal muscles, organs
o Left side of the heart that pumps the blood out to the rest of
the body (not heart/lungs)
o Has to have enough power to pump blood through the entire
systemic circuit and back to the heart pressure is about 90
(120/80 is normal bp)
Coronary Circuit
o The heart itself
o The blood that gets to the heart
o The heart can’t function without this blood
o Important aspect of heart function when this circuit fails,
we have an impairment in all of the circuits of the heart
o Have arteries that bring blood through the heart and veins
that pick it up to bring it back to the heart
Heart Notes:
Hearts use fat as a central energy source therefore it stores lots
of fat around it
Generates enough force to expel blood where it needs to go if
one of these areas fail the heart is inadequate
It doesn’t just squeeze in the middle of the body but rather it twists
very fast to squeeze the blood out quickly
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Anterior Aspect:
o Major vessel leaving the heart
o Thick walled has to have thick walls to withstand a lot of
o Taking blood to the systemic circuit
o Branches so that blood can get to all parts of the body
Pulmonary Artery:
o Brings blood to the lungs
o Is blue, although it is an artery because it is moving away
from the heart
Superior Vena Cava:
o Collects the blood from above diaphragm
Inferior Vena Cava:
o Collects the blood from below the diaphragm
Pulmonary Veins:
o Bring blood from the lungs back to the heart
o 2 on each side this can vary
Coronary Arteries:
o Blood vessels around the heart
o Provide blood to the heart
o Part of the coronary circuit
Posterior Aspect:
Right pulmonary Artery
Left Pulmonary Artery
Superior Vena Cava
Inferior Vena Cava
Right Pulmonary Veins
o Oxygenated blood to the pulmonary
Left Pulmonary Veins
Apex of the heart
o Bottom of the heart blood goes to the bottom of the heart
o All of the arteries and the veins go to the top of the heart
nothing goes to the bottom of the heart
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Internal Features of the heart:
4 chambers
o 2 on the left, 2 on the right they are similar to each other
but not exactly the same
2 atria
2 ventricles
1 atria and 1 ventricle on each side of the heart
o Separated by the septum separates a right and a left side
of the heart with one atria and one ventricle
o We separate the entrance and exits of these atria and
There is one semilunar valve and one AV valve on each
side of the heart
Atrialventricular (AV) Valve between the Atria and
the ventricles there is a left and a right AV valve
which are on the same side of the heart as the name
Semilunar valves control the blood leaving the
The left semilunar valve is sometimes called the aortic
The right semilunar valve is sometimes called the
pulmonary valve
The AV valves differ in their number of cusps
The right AV valve has 3 cusps sometimes
called the Tricuspid valve
The left AV valve has 2 cusps sometimes called
the bicuspid valve or the mitral valve
Chambers and Valves:
If you cut the heart a certain way you can see all 4 valves
The first valve that blood passes through is the right AV valve
blood cells are low in oxygen and they need more oxygen will do
the inferior/superior vena cava right atrium right AV valve
right ventricle pulmonary valve/ right semilunar valve heart
pumps pulmonary artery the lungs to get more oxygen
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