Kinesiology 2222A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Inguinal Ligament, Multifidus Muscle, Scalene Muscles

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Any muscle attaching to the rib will assist in breathing; to move the ribs, ex. Deep back muscles (3 muscles true back muscles) Insertion: along the ribs: origin: sacrum, iliac crest & lumbar vertebrae, function: extend trunk, maintain posture & stability as spine moves. Insertion: all the transverse processes of the vertebrae and the base of the skull. Innervation: dorsal rami: function: extend trunk & maintain posture; keep spine erect. Spinalis: origin: pelvis, thoracolumbar fascia (diamond shaped fascia in the lower back) Insertion: attaches superiorly to all the spinous processes of the vertebral column. Innervation: dorsal rami: function: extend the trunk, maintain posture. Most motor information transmitted through the ventral root, but for the deep back muscles, motor information travels via the dorsal root; together = ramus (pl. The spinal cord has both ventral & dorsal horns; ventral is motor (efferent) while. Intertransversarious: origin: transverse process of all vertebrae.