Health Sciences 3300A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Perineum, Seminiferous Tubule, Deep Fascia

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Tunica vaginalis : can potentially form a hernia , slight opening can allow intestines into this space. Functions of the male reproductive system: testes : produce sperm & testosterone, ducts : store assist in maturation of the sperm, accessory sex glands secrete most of the liquid portion of the sperm. Supporting structure of the male reproductive system that contains the urethra ands is a pathway for ejaculation of sperm and excretion of urine. Consists of body, glands penis and root. Surrounded by: tunica albuginea also in testes ( forms septa in testes which divides each testis into a set of internal compartments called lobules containing seminiferous tubules) Corpra cavernosa ( main bodies / hollow) Corpus spongiosum contains the spongy urethra and keeps open during ejaculation erectile tissue: glans : 1/3 erectiel bodies. Opening for semen or urine: root proximal portion.