Health Sciences 3300A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Levator Ani, Spetum, Inguinal Canal

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Describe anatomy of ech component of external genitalia. Describe spermatogenesis and identify important stages of sperm development. Examine the role of accessory organs in the production of semen. Describe the contents of the testes and the spermtic cord. Primary sex organs : cells when they pair up, produce human beings. Gonads ( testes) produce gametes and secrete sex hormones. Secrete sex hormones( androgens i. e testosterone. Testes: produce sperm and testosterone ( secrete hormones) Ducts: transport store and assist in maturation of sperm. Accessory glands: secrete most of the semen volume. Penis : the copulatory organ, containing the urethra, a passageway for semen and urine. Attached to anterior pelvis at root of penis. Scrotum can rise or descend depdning on environmental conditions. Responds to temperature change: cold: testes get pulled closer to body, warm : scotal skin is loose and flaccid.