Health Sciences 3250F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Deontological Ethics, Consequentialism, Eudaimonia

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Milgram experiment trying to experiment influence that authority have that ask ppl to do atrocious things every time they make a mistake, they get shocked and as they keep making mistakes, they get shocks whether or not ppl would do something morally wrong if an authority figure told them to keep going we don"t really have a fixed character environment really develops and impacts our character heavily 65% kept administering the shocks when the authority figure told them to continue only 2 3% refused to administer the shock even when authority told them to continue if saw a person that got a heart attack fall to the ground in front of them (faked it) if they were in a rush, more likely to keep going but if weren"t in a rush developing virtuous habits isn"t what we should b/c we don"t have set character it depends on the situation and what"s going on around us that determines our actions.