PHLB07H3 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Spina Bifida, False Dilemma, Major Depressive Disorder

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6 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Week 1 lecture #1: monday january 02, 2017. Ethics at the limits class 1: overview & moral reasoning. [e]thics is, in its widest application, the study f what we should aspire to in oue lives, and of how we should live (shafer-landau 2015) Our specific (sub-) question: should one live. The governing aim of this course is to examine the moral status of living and dying they very boundaries of the person as ethical subject. Going through syllabus for required readings, course requirements, extension & late paper policy, source materials, plagiarism and academic integrity, citing sources & etc. For the papers, if using info from slides, would need to cite them. Describes the world as it is, what ppl do in this time period, or country. The reasons for our response to diff ethical questions. It"s not about whether we do it or not, but looking at reasons why they"re good/bad.