History 1810E Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Jingoism, National Liberation Front (Algeria), Ahmed Ben Bella

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19 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Rise of mass media: education reforms, more people become literate to read newspapers, paris, in the 1880s, had 25 daily newspapers, telegraph, for the first time a reader in paris could follow events in washington or. Enthusiasm in the empire: canada, sense of imperial mission, in 1885 there was the northwest rebellion, imperial rhetoric is used, south africa, cecil rhodes- in the empire, pushing the british empire to expand into. Zambia and more out of south africa: the jameson raid- a bunch of colonial adventurers try to force the government to do so, the boer war (1899-1902) empire. Algeria: dominant religion is islam, mostly arabs, though large minority of berbers (they are descendants of the people in algeria before colonialization) Instead, they officially had no intent of ever leaving algeria, they believed that they would civilize the empire by making it part of.