Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Unidroit, European Court Of Human Rights

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26. 1 the final judgment of the first-instance court ordinarily should be immediately enforceable (final judgment should be immediately enforceable (some only immediately of appeal judgment and not the first one; as it can still be reversed in appeal)) 26. 3 security may be required from the appellant as a condition of granting a stay or from the respondent as a condition of denying a stay. 29 procedures should be available for speedy and effective enforcement of judgments, incl. money awards, costs, injunctions, and provisional measures (there should be effective enforcement) Recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil cases by foreign jurisdiction if (might be a situation where judgment given in one country is recognized and enforced in another country. It is a final judgment rendered by a court with established jurisdiction (has to be final) Was not rendered in violation of fundamental principles of fair trial (forum giving decision didn"t violate principle of fair trial)