Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Unidroit

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23. 1 upon completion of the parties" presentations, the court should promptly give judgment set forth or recorded in writing. The judgment should specify the remedy awarded and, in a monetary award, its amount. (court should promptly, not immediately, give their judgment) Court can give part of judgment already, and keep on proceedings regarding the remaining parts; But court has to mention that proceeding for remaining claims are open. 23. 2 the judgment should be accompanied by a reasoned explanation of the essential factual, legal, and evidentiary basis of the decision. Has to give a decision towards all aspects discussed, but court doesn"t have to comment on every piece of evidence, Be at least accompanied by a version in writing. Specify both the remedy awarded and, if appropriate, the amount. The judgment should rely on a reasoned explanation of the essential factual, legal, and evidentiary basis of the decision however: no mention about . Style or length of the reasoned explanation.