Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Basic Law For The Federal Republic Of Germany, Public Liability

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If the object of a challenge is a besluit. Unless expressly excluded (e. g. generally binding regulations article 8:2 gala) Damages both ordinary and administrative courts; the main criterion is the amount of damages. District courts (administrative section inside this court) Second instance courts (here it depends on the subject matter of the dispute which court will be competent: council of state, central appellate administrative court, corporation tribunal. The objection is brought to the administration that issued the decision. 6 weeks from notification of the measure. Obligatory before bringing an appeal before the administrative court! Exceptions: mutual consent of the parties. 6 weeks from notification: of the decision of the objection if there was an objection, of the decision if there was no objection. 6 weeks for the administration to decide on the objections: 12 weeks if there was advice by the committee. Claim is barred unless : delay for excusable mistake ( admissibility)