Disability Studies 2202A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Quran, Ridicule, Disability Rights Movement

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Week 1: disability within a historical context - terminology. 1900-1950 moral and medical models entrenched in western culture. Acquired disability was acquired especially through accidents or injury - which were more tolerable. Ancient greeks believed those with disabilities were not human and should be abandoned to die. Ancient asia forced to beg for sustenance, considered a perfect world if without disability. Blindness believed to be caused by the sins of disabled people or their parents. Carrel advocated for the humane disposal of mentally defective, insane persons, and other undesirables through the use of lethal gas in euthanasia institutions. Churches religious bodies that coexist in a relatively low state of tension with their social surroundings. They have mainstream, "safe" beliefs and practices relative to those of the general population. Conforming members the majority of society interpret certain behaviours as deviant and then attach the label. Deviance behaviours are deviant (different), only when a society labels them as deviant.