Computer Science 1032A/B Study Guide - Stephen S. Roach, Robert Solow, Switching Barriers

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COMPSCI 1032A/B Full Course Notes
COMPSCI 1032A/B Full Course Notes
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Chapter 3 strategy, information systems and competitive advantage. Stephen roach reported that it was not his intention to downgrade the importance of information technology: he found no evidence of an increase in worker productivity aossciated with the massive increase in investment in information technology. Robert solow make the following statement : we see computers everywhere except in the productivity statistics. Today we are interested in how investments in information technology can create business value, tangible benefits for organizations through either more efficient use of resources or more effective delivery of their services t ocustomers. Over time it has been recognized that measurement error may be a critical reason for the observed alck of productivity from it investments. Business processes are an important consideration in produvitiy. Produvtity for organizations can be increased either through increased efficiency or effective business processes. Increasing efficiency means that business processes can be accomplished either more quickly or with fewer resources and facilities or both.