Classical Studies 2300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ludi Romani, Lentulus Batiatus, Ludi

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For it was neither every kind of fame nor fame from every source that he courted, as. Olympic games, since he was swift of foot, yes," said he, if i could have kings as my competitors. ". Plutarch life of alexander, 15. 4: then, going up to ilium (troy), he sacrificed to athena and poured libations to the heroes. Plutarch life of alexander 23. 2-3: alexander would engage in lion hunts during campaigns as a demonstration of his bravery, krateros" dedication at delphi presented bronze images of alexander"s lion hunt with. To that place came a crowd from neighboring states, both slave and free, eager for a fresh start, and that was the first advance in power towards greatness. When he was not now ashamed of his strength, romulus added policy to power. He appointed one hundred fathers [the senate], whether because that was a sufficient number, or because that was the total number whom he could call fathers .