Classical Studies 2300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Alba Longa, Ludus Magnus, Lusus Troiae

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Alexander i participated in the stadion, by proving descent from argos. Tied for 1st place in foot race. King archelaus - olympic chariot victory ca. Philip ii: keles at olympia 356 bce; tethrippon in 352, 348 bce. Beside the pelopian (shrine of pelops), showing that he was worthy of the status pelops had. Then, going up to ilium (troy), he sacri ced to athena and poured libations to the heroes. Dei cation: alexander the great travelled to the oracle of amun-zeus. High priest of amun addressed him welcome son of zeus . At olympic festival of 324bce, he proclaimed that the greeks should worship him as a god (while still living) Iso-games : games equivalent to scared crown games performed through hellenistic. Cities throughout established there own games and then sent out embassies asking other city-states to recognize the games. Gymnasium class - establishing elite greek social identity through gym membership .