Classical Studies 2300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ludi Romani, Lentulus Batiatus, Ludi

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Olympic games, since he was swift of foot, yes," said he, if i could have kings as my competitors. ". Then, going up to ilium (troy), he sacrificed to athena and poured libations to the heroes. He made the funeral games, but did not compete in them, just like achilles. Livy, the history of rome: first tarquinius waged war on the latins and captured the town of. Because he brought back more plunder than expected from what seemed like a small war, he put on more extravagant ludi than previous kings had done. It was then that the place now called the. There were separate sections of seats for senators and knights to watch from, with benches on supports as much as 12 feet from the ground. There were horse races and boxers brought in from etruria. These games are still held annually, and called the ludi romani or the great ludi. Tarquinis founded the romans, called the games ludi romani.