Biology 1002B Study Guide - Final Guide: Elysia Chlorotica, Cyclin-Dependent Kinase, Gene Duplication

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The success of multi-cellular life depends on most individual cells agreeing to limit their reproductive capacity; however, sometimes some cells break this reproductively repressive agreement and go their own way. Embryogenesis rapidly dividing cells: all involve rapid cell division from single cell to multicellular, not out of control but very rapid, g 8. 18 pg. Sporadic cancer requires new lose of function mutations in both alleles. Rst mutation second mutation: it can run in families, now lost tumour seppressor activity, rare. Familial cancer requires loss of function mutations in one allele: if your father already has that mutation u only need one more mutation to give you a tumour. Inappropriate expression of mirna can promote cycling e. g. oncomirs: mirna is diagonstic, normal tissue it is overexpressed, in tumour it is underexpressed. Homology: means common ancestry, gene in chlammy is homologous to gene in volvox.