Biology 2581B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Trp Operon, Corepressor, Wild Type

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5 Oct 2015

Document Summary

Test 2 sample questions: bio2581b lectures 15, 16. Please note that the biology 2581b course changes every year - some years in small ways, other years in larger ways. In this file you will find samples from old exams. The samples will represent useful questions to go through in preparing for tests and the final exam. However, there is no guarantee that the questions on your test will follow any of these "model" questions. It has nothing to do with regulation of the lactose operon. It results in decreased camp levels, which in turn leads to decreased crp binding. Its presence in the cell increases the amount of lac repressor in the cell. It results in increased camp levels, which in turn leads to decreased crp. The lac repressor binds to: a. b. c. d. e. lactose and dna. Rna polymerase and dna galactosidase, permease, and transacetylase promoter and lactose.