Biology 2581B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Telomerase, Dna Microarray, Tata Box

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5 Oct 2015

Document Summary

Please note that the biology 2581b course changes every year - some years in small ways, other years in larger ways. In this file you will find samples from old exams. The samples will represent useful questions to go through in preparing for tests and the final exam. However, there is no guarantee that the questions on your test will follow any of these "model" questions. Answers are given at the bottom of the file: loss of function mutations in the gal80 gene in yeast result in the continuous expression of the gal1, gal7, and gal10 genes, even in the absence of galactose. This genetic evidence suggests that the wild-type gal80 gene product acts as a(n) transcriptional repressor. promoter element. enhancer element. transcriptional activator. The repressor associates with a promoter element, blocking rna polymerase from binding the promoter element. The repressor binds to the activation domain of an activator, eliminating its ability to increase transcription.