Biochemistry 2280A Study Guide - Final Guide: Formaldehyde, Fusion Protein, Tumor Suppressor Gene

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Leading cause of death in north americans. Biochem and molecular bio provides avenues for cures. Found in a tissue and contained in it does not spread. Malignant tumors can metastasize move from primary site to one or more secondary sites. Made in 1 tissue and moves to others. Different cancers tend to spread to different sites. Breaks through basal lamina and can break through the blood vessel and go in blood stream spreads. Normal cells cant grow if you move them to another site but cancer cells can. Retinoblastoma (eye cancer) xeroderma pigmentosa (cancer of skin) Some forms of breast, prostate and ovarian and intestinal. Chemicals that cause cells to divide tumor promoters. * not clear why --> are they damaging dna, promoting division. 30% of all cancers can be attributed to smoking (90% of lung cancer) ** look at chart deaths in males as the years go on (various cancers)