COMP 1047 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Extension Cord, Instant Messaging, Decision Support System

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Instant messaging private chat in which users can communicate with each other in real time using electronically transmitted text messages. Blog (web log) a publicly-accessible personal journal posted on the web. Blogs often reflect the personality of the author and are updated daily. Digitization the conversion of non-digital information or media to a digital format through the use of a scanner, sampler, or other input device. Upload - transferring or sending files over the network. For example, sending an attachment through e- mail or transferring or uploading a video on youtube for the whole world to see. Download the process of transferring a file from a remote computer to a local computer"s storage device. Anonymizer software and/or hardware that cloaks the origination of an e-mail or web page request. Voip (voice over internet protocol) hardware, software, and protocols used to make telephone-style calls over the internet.