COMP 1047 Study Guide - Hard Disk Drive Platter, Floppy Disk, Optical Storage

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Digital revolution: a set of significant changes brought about by computers and other digital devices during the second half of the 20th century. Digitization to convert non digital information or media to a digital format through the use of a scanner, sampler, or other input device. Data processing an input processing- output cycle that converts data into information. Local software computer applications that are installed on and run from a local device, usually a computer hard drive. Computer network a collection of computers and related devices, connected in a way that allows them to share data, hardware, and software. Internet the worldwide communication infrastructure that links computer networks using the tcp/ip protocol. Web short for world wide web; an internet service that links documents and information from computers located worldwide, using the http protocol. Cloud computing a type of computing in which local devices access applications that run on a remote server, where data can also be stored.