MSCI 2130 Study Guide - Final Guide: Vertical Service Code, Endangerment, Cost Leadership

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Chapter 1: Organizational Strategy, Competitive Advantage, and
Information Systems
Business Environment: the combination of social, legal, economic,
physical, and political factors in which businesses conduct their
Business Information Technology Alignment: the tight integration of
the IT function with the strategy, mission, and goals of the
Business Process: a collection of related activities that create a
product or a service of value to the organization, its business partners,
and/or its customers
Business Process Management: a management technique that
includes methods and tools to support the design, analysis,
implementation, management, and optimization of business processes
Business Process Reengineering: a radical redesign of a business
process that improves its efficiency and effectiveness, often by
egiig ith a lea sheet i.e., fo sath
Competitive Advantage: an advantage over competitors in some
measure such as cost, quality, or speed; leads to control of a market
and to larger than average profits
Competitive Forces Model: a business framework devised by Michael
Porter that analyzes competitiveness by recognizing five major forces
that ould edage a opa’s positio
Cross Functional Processes: no single functional area is responsible for
a poess’s eeutio
Digital Divide: the gap between those who have access to information
and communications technology and those who do not
Entry Barrier: product or service feature that customers expect from
organizations in a certain industry; an organization trying to enter this
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market must provide this product or service at a minimum to be able
to compete
Globalization: the integration and interdependence of economic,
social, cultural, and ecological facets of life, enabled by rapid advances
in information technology
Individual Social Responsibility: see organizational social
Make to Order: the strategy of producing customized products and
Mass Customization: a production process in which items are
produced in large quantities but are customized to fit the desires of
each customer
Organizational Social Responsibility: efforts by organizations to solve
various social problems
Primary Activities: those business activities related to the production
ad distiutio of the fi’s poduts ad seies, thus eatig
Strategic Information Systems: systems that help an organization gain
a competitive advantage by supporting its strategic goals and/or
increasing performance and productivity
Support Activities: business activities that do not add value directly to
a fi’s podut or service under consideration but support the
primary activities that do add value
Value Chain: a seuee of atiities though hih the ogaizatio’s
inputs, whatever they are, are transformed into more valuable
outputs, whatever they are
Value Chain Model: model that shows the primary activities that
sequentially add value to the profit margin; also shows the support
Value System: includes the producers, suppliers, distributors, and
buyers, all with their value chains
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