MSCI 2130 Study Guide - Final Guide: Click Fraud, Grid Computing, Computer Cluster

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1. 1: tech"s tectonic shift: radially changing businesses landscapes. Internet of things: a vision where low-cost sensors, processors and communication are embedded into a wide array of products and our environment, allowing a vast network to collect data, analyze input and automatically coordinate collective action. New technologies have fuelled globalization, redefined our concepts of software and computing, crushed costs, fuelled data-driven decision making and raised privacy and security concerns. As technology becomes cheaper and more powerful, it pervades more industries and is becoming increasingly baked into what were once non-tech functional areas. Technology is impacting every major business discipline, including finance, accounting, marketing, operations, human resources and the law. Tech jobs rank among the best and highest growth positions and tech firms rank among the best and highest paying firms to work for. Information systems jobs are profoundly diverse, ranging from those that require heavy programming skills to those that are focused on design, process management, privacy and strategy.