POL214Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Party System, Acas, Charter Of The French Language

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Right wing: individual belief system, achievements due to individual effort. Left wing: collectivist belief system, govt. interference necessary to promote common good. Classical: maximizes individuals, capitalist economy, Classical: maximize social and, politics, economy are economic equality not competitive, collective ownership, achievements due to collective action, personal dignity rests on solidarity with working class. Contemporary: individual freedom is more important than social equality, capitalism promotes economic goals only, social diversity recognized but not promoted by govt, personal dignity based on own efforts. Classical (state based: just government depends on. God and tradition: society< state, small govt. but not limited like classical liberalism, crown has power, state recognizes church. Contemporary: state needs to maintain circumstance where individuals can pursue own goals, govt. should promote trad. values in society (schools) Classical: church, aristocracy, those whose income depended on maintaining traditional social. Government: just government, position of state, government size, who has power, approach to church: