POL214Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: William Lyon Mackenzie King, Pierre Trudeau, Final Analysis

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15 Mar 2020

Document Summary

In january 1922, prime minister william lyon mackenzie king attended a lecture by o. d. Federation, sweden and the united states - and features the involvement of indigenous communities: from a canadian perspective, such a limited neighbourhood has both benefits and disadvantages. Geostrategic location: a country"s neighbourhood - the political communities on its borders with which it must deal on an ongoing basis -- does not change much. The long peace : from confederation in 1867 until the second world war, canada was physically remote from the centre of the great power rivalries of europe. In april 1941, by the hyde park declaration, which smoothed economic cooperation between the two countries in war material. The cold war glacis : the strategic shifts introduced during the second world war had long-term effects, the terms of the kingston dispensation continued to operate through-out the cold war: the.