POL214Y1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Winnipeg General Strike, Pierre Laporte

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In recent years canada"s political community has faced two major challenges: the management of. Quebec were united with a common legislature: the tradition of elitist deal-making has continued throughout canada"s history at two different levels, nationally, the federal cabinet and national political parties, particularly the liberal party of. Canada, have been important forums where the interests of quebec could be represented: the independence option spawned a number of organized political groups during the 1960s. In 1968, most of them threw their support behind the newly formed pro-independence parti. Political violence: there have been only two political assassinations since confederation, the first when d"arcy. Mcgee was shot down on the muddy streets of ottawa in 1868 and the second in 1970 when. Quebec"s minister of labour, pierre laporte, was strangled to death by members of the front de. Mounted police in regina in 1935 to break up the on-to-ottawa trek of unemployed workers.