MGY277H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Postpartum Infections, Ignaz Semmelweis, Cowpox

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Contributors: jenner, developed use of cowpox to vaccinate against smallpox, first truly effective intervention against microbial disease. Not checking the forecast today did not have much of an impact on my day today. The weather was even nicer than i was expecting it to be, so i actually dressed a little too warm and left my jacket in the car as i ran some errands. However i was babysitting my nieces, who are 1 and 4 years old so it was tough getting them ready without knowing if i needed to bundle them up or anything. Question 2: although you did not check the weather forecast, please provide some examples in the day where you thought about it. While taking my nieces to the park i thought about checking the weather because i wanted to know whether i should dress them in hats and gloves or not.