HMB200H1 Study Guide - Vo2 Max, Sexual Differentiation, Specific Volume

52 views2 pages
28 Nov 2012

Document Summary

A review of the relative contribution of genes and training to sporting success. Galtonian model proposed that practice and training would lead to improvements in performance, but that a ceiling existed for each person, influenced by heritable characteristics (1800s) Ericsson suggested that performance is constrained not by genetic or innate factors, but by engagement in deliberate practice and training during optimal periods of development (no evidence to suppose this theory) Gronigen talent studies on soccer, hockey, basketball, tennis and gymnastics show that talent identification requires an individualised approach, since individual development differs. The genetic influence on performance optimal biological chars are sport-specific (advantage properties of skeletal muscle are very different for an endurance, sprint or power athlete. Multiple protein-coding and non-coding genes t/o the genome determine each indiv bio system, unlikely that a single or even a few genetic elements are associated with superior athletic performance.