HIS243H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: World Trade Organization, Toleration, Protestantism

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17 Feb 2013

Document Summary

Printing, propaganda and reformation (oct. 7th- oct. 12th) Invention of printing: invention, three things had to develop before. Had a block and cut out image in reverse and transfer it to paper, blocks would be wood. You could do many prints off one block of wood. Spreads to europe 1250-1350, in china and euro for artwork. Later it is seen as way to block print books, but expensive and did not last long (blocks deteriorate) Not trained as a printer, but as a metal worker (johann. Metal opens up new problem, ink before had to be water based. But on metal it does not stick, need to find new ink: from ink move on to painting, oil in their paints, guttenberg is able to reach across europe to painters and finds oil. Do not have paper, manuscripts either printed on parchment or vellum. In order to get parchment must go out and slaughter sheep so is costly.