BIO230H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Smooth Muscle Tissue, Imatinib, Blood Cell

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BIO230H1 Full Course Notes
BIO230H1 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Basic principles of the biosynthetic-secretory and endocytic pathways: polarized trafficking routes (proteins travel directly from one place to next) Start at the same place, materials being continuously budding off from the vesicle. The vesicles are regulated, the cells tells the vesicle when to budding off: sorting stations (bus stations of the cells, retrieval mechanism and general balance among routes (buses need to route around) The concentration of cargo increases as it being budding off: polarized transport route with the retrieval route. Some components are taken back to the golgi. Endocytosis: cells collect resources by endocytosis (e. g. cholesterol) Cholesterol in the fluid outside the cell is bound to ldl, cells have ldl receptors. Once grabbed on, placed into endocytosis pits and get internalized inside the cell, it targets to the sorting station. (receptors are recycled, but the cholesterol are targeted to the lysosome: cells down regulate cell surface signaling by endocytosis.