BIO120H1 Midterm: BIO120 Test 2 Terms

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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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Holistic concept - the idea, championed by frederic e. clements, that the organisms in a community form a discrete, complex unit analogous to a superorganism. Community - an association of interacting populations, usually defined by the nature of their interaction or the place in which they live. Closed community - a community in which the distributions of several species coincide closely, but are largely separated from those of other sets of species. Ecotone - a region of rapid turnover of species along a spatial transect or ecological gradient; a zone of transition between communities. Open community - a local association of species having independent and only partially overlapping ecological distributions. Continuum - a gradient of environmental characteristics or of change in the composition. Gradient analysis - the plotting and interpretation of the abundances of species along an of communities. environmental gradient. Species richness - a simple count of the number of species in an area.