SOCB50H3 Midterm: Midterm

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21 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Anything that deviate from social norms -what(cid:859)s a(cid:272)(cid:272)epta(cid:271)le: some one who breaks the law might be deviant, can also be; disfiguration, obesity, ugliness, crippled, or mentally handicapped. Mechanism of social control; negative reactions occur because people interpret what they see and hear as wrong, bad, crazy, disgusting and strange: e. g. child molestation. External to the individual: can also be internal. Formal negative reactions: external, official warnings, legal punishments and various forms of treatment. Both informal and formal reaction serve as social control. Objectivism; social norms were given and external to individual: norms are absolute, widespread consensus (agreement) What(cid:859)s p(cid:396)ope(cid:396) a(cid:374)d a(cid:272)(cid:272)epta(cid:271)le: conformity; fixed pre-existing societal expectation and rules, nonconformity: violating them, consensus issue: Blurred line for smoking marijuana, abortion, porn. Subjectivist: social construction of societal norms: people create and interpret what behavior is acceptable and what is not, deviance is a social construction. Contemporary sociologist: both: differences in perspective- matter of degree, rules vary in places.