MDSB03H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Protestant Work Ethic, Commodity Fetishism, Objective Correlative

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18 Dec 2013

Document Summary

Advertising encourages the celebration of brands and consumption, no matter what the specific product being advertised is, or how that product was made. Because of mass production, people bought and used mass produced goods from big centrally organized companies. New ways of relating to the objects of everyday life, the material culture of a consumer society developed. Refers to how we construct our identities through the consumer products that inhabit our lives. Style changes made independent of utility; obsolescence on the basis of style. Practice used by marketers and advertisers to borrow and sell as commodities aspects of bricolage style. An image that refers to something beyond its individual components, something that acquires symbolic significance, icons represent universal concepts, emotions and meanings. Societies shifted from protestant work ethic, civic responsibility, and self-denial to legitimizing ideas of leisure, spending and individual fulfillment. The particular method you use to achieve something. A plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose.