PSY397H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ampa Receptor, Calcium Channel, Chemical Synapse

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First train depolarizes the pre synapse and sends signal to post terminal. Post terminal becomes depolarizes and second train stimulates the pre synapse again. Both terminals get excited and connection is strong: association learning occurs when both pre and post terminals are excited, this allows pre-synaptic terminal to excite the post terminal easier, this is ltp. Epsp gets enhanced for strong synapse only: third one has both stimulated. Weak gets stronger along with the strong synapse. Strong synapse helps the weak one get stronger. Creates a pairing between the two: back propagating action potential (bpap, depolarization waves go in all direction, most goes towards the axon, the bpap are waves that go back to the synapse, tetrodotoxin (ttx): sodium channel blocker. Sodium channels are blocked, then it cannot travel back: apv, can block ltp induction, we see decreases in epsp. Epsp lowers: there predictor in the association is no longer there, conditioned stimulus in pre terminal should come first.