PSY397H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Synaptobrevin, Funen, Transmembrane Protein

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20 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Lecture 6: long term potentiation synaptic level learning of memory changes in the way synapses allow neurons to communicate with each other strengthening of connection ltp. Pyramidal cell in the c1 region strengthens the connections btw neurons and itself. Particle subset of memory pieces triangle= pyramidal cell connections represent particle memory pieces relational connection btw multiple memory pieces episodic memory connects to multiple neurons. Ltp allows connections to be establish btw certain neurons and eliminate connections with others. Memories are stored as alterations in the strength of synaptic connections between neurons in the. Written before we knew the biology behind ltp. Excitatory post-synaptic potentials stimulated the neuron with an electrode (single pulse) measured in response to the pulse the. Used the same strength of electrode and measured the size of resulting epsp. Would remain quite stable you can keep the hippocampus alive in a dish for hours respond with the same amount of epsp.