PSY325H5 Study Guide - Social Comparison Theory, Psy, Job Satisfaction

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Emotion: attention, memory, coherence, planning, self control, close relationships, self-presentation, pride, shame, guilt (keep us from participating in some social activities) Knowledge of self and others: introspection, perspective taking. Psy325: group discussion about which one person will get the bonus, 60% self-enhanced. Centrality: reflect on traits, central (hontest)/ peripheral (romantic, positive (kind) / negative (selfish, people pursue diagnostic info about: *central rather than peripheral: self-verify, self enhancement, central positive vs central negative (no pattern with peripheral, confirm positive traits (esp when central, disconfirm negative traits (esp when central) Psy325: not a predictor of self-enhancement bias how do people react/deal with negative feedback/neutral low se and high sc least likely to buy the negative feedback low se and sc were most likely to buy the negative feedback. Self-esteem is correlated with: personality, neuroticism r= 0. 5, extraversion, mental health loneliness social behaviour, confidence in joining groups, conformity, drug use, antisocial beh, helping.