PSY220H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Blonde Stereotype, Ambivalent Sexism, Ethnocentrism

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Canadians as more dull and boring compared to americans. Stereotypes - cognitive component - beliefs or generalizations about a group. Ambivalent sexism - in terms of behavior are often times a mix of negative and positive behaviors. Ex. sexism easily brought to mind - hostile negative behaviors towards women. Benavalent sexism - belief that women should be protected, cheerished othen both exist in same person - seen as weaker or inferior to men - endorses non- egaliterian beliefs. Causes of prejudice how we learn attitudes (new ways of evaluating) - evaluative conditioning how we acquire new behaviors - classical. Ex. rewarding expressions of prejucial attitudes and discriminatory behaviors. ----telling child good job for not playing with diferent race kid. Punishing expressions of prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviors. ----parents punish mildly for telling them he didn"t play with different race kid because he was different.