CCT250H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Typography, Cmyk Color Model, High Tech

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Lecture 1: edward de bono creativity & howard rheingold net smart". Edward de bono methods of thinking: vertical thinking = the processes of logic the traditional, historical method, lateral thinking = disrupting an apparent thinking sequence and arriving at the solution from another angle. The gift of creativity: parallel thinking = constructive alternative to adversarial thinking. Uses the 6 thinking hats method: blue hat = managing thinking. Ensure rules are observed: green hat = new ideas. Don"t have to be logical: black hat = risk, difficulties and problems. Possible problems: white hate = information we know/ need. Relevance: yellow hat = benefits and feasibility. Short and long term consideration: red hat = feelings, intuitions and gut instinct. Whole body and mind awareness in present moment. Infotention = mind-machine combination of brain-powered attention skills and computer-powered information filters. 1: collective intelligence = emerges from the collaboration, collective efforts, and competition of many individuals and appears in consensus decision making.