[CCT250H5] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 12 pages long Study Guide!

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Cct250 lecture 1: overview of course and edward de bono on creativity and. Theories of edward de bono and his biography: Vertical thinking uses logic and is the traditional way of thinking. Lateral thinking involves disrupting a thinking sequence and coming up with a solution from somewhere else. Mindfulness (or metacognition) is a whole-body-and-mind awareness of the present moment. To be mindful is to be fully present in a situation and not daydreaming or letting your thoughts drift off. Parallel thinking is a process where focus is split in specific directions which is effective when working in a group so that everyone has their own direction which reaches a common goal at the end. The six thinking hats method is a practical way of carrying out parallel. Terminology to know: horizontal thinking, parallel thinking, definition of 6 thinking hats, use of hats as part of corporate culture.