BIO409H5 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Exocytosis, Neurotransmission, Membrane Potential

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Lecture 1: oxygen consumption in goldfish in relation to body size and temperature. Animals obtain chemical energy from food: use it to perform work, maintain their structures, reproduce, etc. Energy expenditure varies with regard to: body size, mode of locomotion, reproduction, etc, environment & temperature, animals must strategize how/ when they want to expend their e (pros/cons) Rate of chemical e intake e loss = metabolic rate (heat production) Ex. small animals have higher mr: basal metabolic rate (bmr): stable rate of e metabolism measured in mammals and birds under minimal envir/physiol stress after fasting has temporarily halted digestive & absorptive processes. Classification of metabolic rate: standard (resting): nearest approx. to bmr, routine: o2 consumed by fish whose only movements are spontaneous, active: o2 consumed by fish stimulated to max activity, field mr: activity during normal activity as in field.