BIO372H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mitosis, Pyrimidine Dimer, Depurination

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Histones, linker h1, core h2a, h2b, h3, h4. Less energy to bend the minor groove to keep it in shape. Gc when minor groove faces outside: explains why some sequences bind more tightly than others, dna mass = histone mass, heterochrmatin = 10% of genome (mostly in centromere and telomere areas). Has very few genes: methylation and acetylation affect side chains of lysine residues. Zinc finger domains can be engineered to target desired dna sequences and this enables zinc-finger nucleases to target unique sequences within complex genomes. By taking advantage of endogenous dna repair machinery; these reagents can be used to precisely alter the genomes of higher organisms. They bind to 5" end and they might block/aid the rnapol depending on the ligand binding: common in bacteria. Based on metabolites they control the gene expression: guanine blocking riboswitch, alternative splicing increases protein complexity, 75% human proteins, cells can control where they want to stop transcription.