BIO354H5 Midterm: BIO354 Test 1 Notes

137 views7 pages
26 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Anatomy responds to function - the way things are are because of how they function and. Bio354 test 1 notes what best suits that organism"s environment group/species over period of time. Phylogeny: patterns of evolutionary change of a species over time - development of a. Series/systematics : family tree that reflects series of common ancestors. Analogy: refers to structures that resemble one another because of similar function and. Convergence: when unrelated animals evolve similar characteristics under same not phylogenetic relations (ex. Wings in bird, bat and insects) environmental conditions. Clade: a group of organisms believed to have a single common ancestor. Homologous structures: refers to structures that are derived from one structure (may. Grade: structural adaptation level acquired by lineages evolving in parallel or may not have similar function) Group of species at the same level of organization that have produced a parallel line of species.