BIO353H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Haustorium, Auxin, Genetic Screen

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20 Apr 2016

Document Summary

You should be able to make up a screen etc. if you"re given a scenario. Go through the haustorial hairs paper, and lecture 2 briefly. First, characterise the wild type and its response to auxin (always do this) Grow the wt on plates with auxin, and then find which ones grow weirdly. You know auxin promotes root elongation, so look for weird roots or no roots. Take seedlings, and put light in front of them see which direction the plants grow towards. The ones that grow away from the light are the mutants. Know what to do given a certain question go through the case study on the forward genetic screen, haustorial hairs one. We talked about transcription and translation fusions in the short root paper, what do use microarrays and.