BIO330H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Gamete, Meristem, Apomixis

41 views5 pages
29 Sep 2016

Document Summary

One basic feature of plant is that they have modular growth. You can divide plants into repeating units i. e. leaf, petiole, axillary bud, and an internode. Animals are unitary organisms they"re not built out of repeating modules. This has profound implications for the way plants operate. The way plants grow is largely by adding new modules/units. Because plants are building up repeating structures they can often sacrifice modules without suffering (modules can be lost without fatal results) Unitary organisms: if they lose a part they will face setbacks. There are some animals which have modules i. e. corals have repeating modules. Apical meristems produce more modules; result in elongation. For unitary organism they grow by increasing in all dimensions (not adding units: all tissue is essentially growth tissues. Plants have specific tissues where growth is concentrated; growth doesn"t proceed throughout the whole body.