BIO211H5 Study Guide - Seismic Wave, Geochemistry, Hard Stuff

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Geology is the study of the earth. Fossils often provide insight into earth s environmental changes whether or not they survived those changes. Paleontology is the science of studying fossils. It aims to understand fossils as once living organisms, living, breathing and dying in a real environment on a real but past earth that we can no longer, smell or touch directly. Fossils will tell us about ourselves and background. Mercury and the moon are airless and lifeless. Age of the universe: big bang 15 billion years ago. Planets formed near time of sun s formation. 4. 6 billion years ago age of the earth inner planets are rocky (mercury, venus, earth and mars) Moon formed from impact of protoplanet with earth. Proportions of iron (fe) and magnesium (mg) differ from earth s mantle. Earth materials differentiated into four primary layers (and a few others) Less dense materials rose to surface, cooled to form crust.